
welcome to eventsguilds.com

Most likely you are visiting our site because you do what you do best- manage an important cultural attraction- and you believe in what we do: initiate social entrepreneurial programs that result in capacity and revenue growth. Specifically, becoming an Events Guild member will allow you to better capitalize on your role as a steward of authenticity, bolstering public participation and fiscal security.


We at EventsGuild.com believe that there is a real need to acknowledge the fact that the stewardship field has the world's most enviable and diverse capacities to offer exclusives within the Special Events and Hospitality arenas. The Events Guild Program was developed in order to provide an impressive public introduction to this world of event possibilities while delivering the explicit message that the rental of our stewardship venues has a significant and greatly appreciated positive impact on our ability to advance our core missions.


By having an impressive presence on a Website that creatively and strategically profiles our events hosting activities, events, programs, and services, you can show the rest of the world what it is missing. The "authenticity needy" discover your individual and our collective capacities to provide, one-of-a-kind special events that are highly privileged and prized. This inspires and motivates event location seekers to become engaged stewardship contributors... patrons, instead of remaining detached resource consumers.