We welcome your questions and comments.  Please contact us at info@eventsguild.com.

What is Events Guild

EventsGuild.com is a Web-guide that profiles and promotes the historic-built and nature-based fields' unique qualifications as events hosts and cultural programmers. As a Guild member you will have your own Web page, illustrating and describing your capacity to host special events, occasions and programs. After visiting your EventsGuild.com page, Guild-guide users are directed to your website, acquainting them with your complete stewardship identity.

Although we have the world's most desirable and unique events attributes, assets, and services, our venues typically have been under-developed and under-promoted. Consequently, those who can become our most avid supporters have yet to discover our venues. Instead of thinking of our facilities as viable hosting locations, event and program- development seekers typically rent an array of commercial, expensive, and pedestrian places and spaces.

For example, our historic built and nature-based venues are relatively unknown by the growing populations seeking event sites with missions supporting stewardship and sustainability.

What is Events Guild

Historically, stewards of cultural and natural sites are well-respected protectors of scores of thousands of unique
venues. For the most part, special events hosting has been viewed as a community service convenience rather than a
fully developed major income stream. EventsGuild.com. will allow you to envision hosting as a fully developed
service, in its own right, using the World Wide Web as the ultimate tool for outreach, public relations, and cultural
entrepreneurial development. Additionally, because this venture philanthropic service has been developed by a history
museum, we are sensitive to the need of expanding offerings that appeal to the public and that are compatible with
core values and a well-cultivated, dignified mission.

What is Events Guild

EventsGuild.com simultaneously fulfills two missions: one serving Events Guild members and the other serving Events
Guild users:

By compiling hundreds of Events Guild members into a user-friendly, descriptive Web Guild-Guide, the history,
heritage, conservation, preservation and sustainability fields gain recognition and appreciation and ultimately
significantly increase their earned-income potential, while receiving exposure to contributors, donors, and

With readily accessible exposure to hundreds of Events Guild members, users of the Guild-Guide see images and
detailed information, profiling an exciting new world of possibilities for events and program hosting.

Two additional resources, that benefit both members and users, are a Resource Directory and a Museum Missions
Directory. The Resource Directory is a compilation of the best associations, trusts, councils, foundations, endowments,
societies, and organizations that serve their relevant needs and interests. The Museum Missions Directory is a
compilation of the missions of all Events Guild members for the purpose of encouraging supporters, donors, and
philanthropists to discover missions they want to support.

What is Events Guild

The Institute for Venture philanthropy at Higginbotham Museum (www.HigginbothamHouse.com) has originated and
under-written this initiative.
The service is free to those that qualify. A complete list of targeted member categories is on the Registration
Questionnaire. However, there will be a nominal fee to cover the cost of your Web page set-up and design. We are
committed to keeping this fee reasonable.

We will also provide technical assistance to those wanting to upgrade their organization's home website. It is in our
vested interest that your site be the best it can be. Ultimately, Events Guild's credibility rests with the site’s quality.

If desired, we will professionally critique your home website, identifying its aesthetic and technical strengths and its
weaknesses. We will offer specific suggestions on how best to optimize your site's potential, respective to your mission
and aspirations. This consultation will have a nominal fee, and again, we are committed to make this service

What is Events Guild

A critical mass of Guild members is required for achieving "user" credibility. Visitors from throughout the world, who
seek information about activity, event and program possibilities at your venue must see that Events Guild.com
membership is noteworthy and viable, with strong representation of sites within the geographic regions for which they
seek details.

What is Events Guild

Ten years ago, a small house museum was a patient in critical condition. Triage resulted in the alignment of a "patient heal thyself" mission with promising experimental therapy that called for a pragmatic plan to gain fiscal self-reliance. "Provide for your own needs by providing for the needs of others" became The Institute for Venture Philanthropy at Higginbotham Museum-- a successful exhibition facilitation service providing sponsorship advocacy for the museum field.

Translating an entrepreneurial desire into an effective means of addressing the undercapitalization of the entire stewardship field has become "globalization of the local" and the centerpiece for the Institute's most evolved and ambitious philanthropic service to date. Exclusively serving the development needs of the history, heritage, conservation, preservation, sustainability fields, EventsGuild.com is the re-imagining of a website as a Web-Guide, providing advocacy, technical assistance, and sophisticated promotion/marketing fulfillment to institutions and organizations needing to diversify their bases, audiences, and methods of support.